+44 (0)7967 326967
For patients visiting TW1 Physiotherapy
Your health and wellbeing are important to us. As a healthcare provider we will remain open at present for essential physiotherapy services.
Essential services include:
Post-operative physiotherapy.
Acute or severe pain that is preventing you from normal function, work or affecting your sleep pattern.
Injuries that, if left untreated could become chronic or develop long term or irreversible changes.
TW1 Physiotherapy are following the advice from Public Health England and the NHS, as well as our governing bodies. Our advice to you for attending the clinic is following this guidance and for you to take the following precautions:
Wash your hands thoroughly and regularly. When arriving at the clinic we ask that all visitors wash their hands or use the hand sanitiser to keep you and everyone on the premises safe.
Avoid handshaking and maintain the government guidelines on social distancing.
Cough into your elbow or into a tissue which should be disposed of immediately after use and then use hand sanitiser or wash hands thoroughly.
If you are displaying signs of cold, flu or any other symptoms associated with Covid 19 (loss of taste or smell) then DO NOT attend the clinic.
We advise that no more than two people are in the waiting area and treatment rooms of the clinic and that you maintain a safe 2 metre distance others.
Due to the nature of Physiotherapy, where appropriate staff will wear PPE and we ask that you also bring and wear your own surgical face mask
Our staff and practitioners will also be upholding these precautions, as well as being extra vigilant with hand washing and sanitising the treatment rooms, common areas, door handles and equipment between patients. Staff are also undergoing regular testing to ensure that we are not asymptomatic vectors for spread of the disease
We may ask your permission to take your temperature prior to your appointment.
However, for your own safety, if you are over 70 or have an underlying health condition (e.g. cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease, diabetes or you are currently receiving ongoing cancer treatment) we recommend that you DO NOT ATTEND the clinic.
We are able to and now recommend video or telephone consultations where possible and appropriate.
If we are advised by Public Health England or our Professional Statutory Bodies to close, or if circumstances mean that we need to close, then we will inform you of this at the earliest opportunity.
In the meantime if you have any concerns or worries please feel free to get in touch either by telephone at 07967 326967 or email at admin@tw1physiotherapy.com or contact your Physiotherapist directly (contact details can be found on the ABOUT page)
Best wishes and stay well,
The TW1 Physiotherapy team
Risk Assessment From
Whilst effort is being made to minimise or remove risks, we are asking clients to assist us in this assessment. Please download and read the following self assessment for you to evaluate suitability for Face to Face or Video consultations
Click on the PDF file
Staying Healthy During Lockdown
Exercise with Foundry Fitness
It is important to stay healthy during this time - we have partnered up with Foundry Fitness who have developed an online video platform to provide live and recorded guided exercise routines for individuals to do from the comfort of their own homes.
It is all run via their online community on Facebook and Instagram.
The live session works (Mon, Wed, Fri) are only on Facebook but other videos, tips etc. are added daily to both.
Personalised Digital/video programming is also available. Please contact Stuart or Matin at info@foundryfitness.co.uk
Nutrition and Hydration
Maintaining an healthy diet and keeping hydrated is important for keeping your immune system in optimal condition. It also essential to optimise healing and preventing injuries.
Please read the following advice from the British Dietetics Association:-